Sunday, November 24, 2024

“Planned Polarization” – The Way of History

How many times have we seen disparate groups living without conflict for generations who suddenly erupt into hostile factions? We have witnessed it in nigh every age and land at some time or other when intense polarization is ignited through politics, culture, race, religion, ideology, opinion, theory, and on and on. Have we observed that a recycling, prominent theme in the Book of Mormon was polarization for purposes of power, gain, glory, and domination?

Today, especially in this land of promise, we seem to have an explosive mix of them all. So as our 2024 Book of Mormon study course winds down, let us review a few insights from Hugh W. Nibley’s Teachings of the Book of Mormon, Semester 4: Transcriptions of Lectures presented to an Honors Book of Mormon Class at Brigham Young University. (All square brackets are in Nibley’s text; bold emphasis is mine.)
... It’s always good guys against bad guys. You’ll always have them and you’ll always have equals against each other and never solve that terrible thing. I’ll give an example of how this works. In the fourth century St. Basil was writing about it. “In the confused political situation everybody wants to give orders, and nobody wants to take them. Men are willing to cooperate on anything only as the most effective means of crippling a common enemy, after which they turn against each other.”

This was in Antioch, too, remember, the city where [men wanted] everybody to be wiped out so they’d be the richest man left. The final survivor and undisputed Number One was Constantine the Great. He interrupted and made them stop fighting. But, to quote our own study on the subject, no sooner had Constantine removed his last civil and military opponents than the issue between the Christians and pagan subjects became acute.2 He had to settle that, so he settled that He put the pagans in their place, and then the churchman started accusing each other of heresy in wild abandon. Then it had to be Arias against Athanasius. The whole Christian world was then split again. Then the emperor took sides, came down with one side, and removed the last heretic, and received the undying thanks from the church. The true believers were at each others’ throats as never before. So this is the way it goes.

Nowhere is this process more sharply brought into focus than with Moroni’s inserts in his father’s book on the supreme results of polarizing. This is a very important principle—that the two poles conceive an ever greater antipathy to each other the more they come to be alike. Everyone knows that like poles repel each other, and only opposite poles attract each other. Now we’re talking about right from the beginning. As soon as Trajan and Hadrian took over and took half of Asia, then the trouble began with the two worlds fighting each other. It’s very old, of course. It goes back much further than that. It goes back to the battle of Thermopylae and much older than that: it’s always been going on. The emperors of East and West were fighting each other, in this case the emperors of Rome and Asia. I have particularly Justinian and Chosroes in mind, both very powerful emperors of a revived empire. The emperors of Rome and Asia describe themselves in absolutely identical terms, while each accuses his rival of being nothing but a base forgery and depraved imitation of himself. This is not a real clash of ideologies at all, but only a rivalry of parties that are [motivated] by identical principles and have the same objectives. What they are both after is the Book of Mormon formula, power and gain. The secret of commanding loyalty on both sides was, of course, to play up the wickedness of the other. The empire of the fourth century, when Rome collapsed, was at its very strongest with the biggest army and everything else. The empire of the fourth century was the world of displaced persons, inevitably drawn toward the big city. ... To take the place of the old lost loyalty to hearth and homeland—the prisca fides, the primitive belief in fate—strong measures had to be taken. New super loyalty was needed to guarantee the permanence of the social order. Men were taught to declare allegiance to a super thing—a noble abstraction loosely designated as Romanitas, the binding cement which was carefully cultivated in hostility to barbarians. “We’re the Romans: they’re the barbarians.” Well it was the same with the Babylonians and the Moslems. It was ager pacatus and ager hosticus with the Romans; Dār al-Islām and Dār al-Harb with the Moslems.

You see, that’s being very strongly emphasized. You’re never going to come to an agreement with the Iranians or the Iraqis as long as they say Dār al-Harb. Islam means “to submit”; it means peace also. All those who have submitted are the real people. All outside are the Dār al-Harb. And they threaten us. They were always being threatened and that’s why the emperor expanded [the empire]. They couldn’t stand anyone beyond their borders threatening them. Remember the last line of the fourth eclogue that got Vergil made a saint: “The emperor must inevitably rule over a pacified earth. All the earth must be pacified under his rule according to the virtues of our virtuous ancestors.” We’re the virtuous people, and we must rule the earth because we’re the good guys (p. 273; Nibley's footnote 2 from The Prophetic Book of Mormon, Vol 8-Collected Works ..., 438).

... [this is quoting J.B. Bury] ...“To command loyalty became part of the public education policy. To the lessons of the schools, carefully supervised by the government was added a more aggressive policy of deliberately widening the gulf between the two worlds [planned polarization]. For centuries, barbarian and Roman east and west had been mingling on terms of the greatest intimacy, producing a borderline culture in which it was quite impossible to draw the line between one culture and the other. Priscus, who was sent back in the sixth century, remembers quite casually the presence of people from the West visiting relatives in the camps of the Asiatics. He notes the busy coming and going of merchants between the two worlds. He describes the kind hospitality shown him, a complete stranger, in the home of the Easterners. But with this he gives us the other side of the picture, the official side—the ubiquitous activity of spies and agents in Roman pay, the infusion into the very court of Attila of large sums of Roman money to corrupt and divide. The insane mounting conviction of the rulers of the two halves of the world, both barbarians, each that his was the divine calling to liberate the human race from the intolerable ambition of the other.” It still is going on today (p. 274).
So what should we do with all the latest “planned polarization” in our present world? On the same page as the above quote, Nibley references the counsel of the prophet Joseph — that we don’t accuse, aspire, contend, coerce; that we don’t react in kind to polarizing tactics; that we don’t resist evil with evil.1 But how are we to understand this in light of other scriptures, such as
20 Contend against no church, save it be the church of the devil
(Doctrine and Covenants | Section 18:20);
and the many instances of “speaking truth to power” found and / or counseled in scripture.2 I believe that the prophet Joseph’s counsel is to be understood as: don’t falsely accuse3; don’t aspire to replace God's will with your own4; don’t contend against truth; don’t coerce to your or another’s will or ideas.

But what do we do when so much truth seems so elusive? This is the best I can think of in our flawed human condition —  propagandized, opinionated, and stiff-necked as we are.
• Pursue truth by prioritizing facts over feelings.
• Live with intent to receive its proofs.5
• Study the repeating patterns of history.
• Speak truth when moved upon by the Spirit.
• Refuse to live by coercion.
• Be awake (as commanded) to our awful situation.6
• Pray as Mormon counseled his son Moroni:
27 ... Behold, the pride of this nation ... hath proven their destruction except they should repent.
28 Pray for them,[7] my son, that repentance may come unto them.
(Book of Mormon | Moroni 8:27–28).
• Above all, pray for our own awakening, awareness, repentance, discernment.
1. New Testament | Romans 12:17 ~ Recompense to no man evil for evil.
New Testament | 1 Thessalonians 5:15 ~ See that none render evil for evil unto any man;
New Testament | 1 Peter 3:9 ~ Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing;
New Testament | Matthew 5:39 ~ But I [Jesus] say unto you, That ye resist not evil [with evil]:
3. (and since much of the time, we don’t have all the facts, we let those who have the facts step forward and if they don’t, we either pursue the facts in a lawful way, or, if necessary, pray for exposure of the facts, and wait on God to act.)
4. Old Testament | Isaiah 14:12-14
   12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
   13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
   14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Pearl of Great Price | Moses 4:3-4
   3 Wherefore, because that Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him, and also, that I should give unto him mine own power; by the power of mine Only Begotten, I caused that he should be cast down;
   4 And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice.
5. New Testament | 1 Thessalonians 5:21
   21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
6. Book of Mormon | Ether 8:24-26
   24 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.
   25 For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.
   26 Wherefore, I, Moroni, am commanded to write these things that evil may be done away, and that the time may come that Satan may have no power upon the hearts of the children of men, but that they may be persuaded to do good continually, that they may come unto the fountain of all righteousness and be saved.
7. (those who accuse, aspire, contend, coerce)

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Dear Christians and Christian Nationalists:

Have you listened to this recent speech by President-elect Trump and felt ecstatic about the future? felt like jrutt26751 that MAGA has taken on a new and greater meaning: “Make America Godly Again”?

We Are Bringing The Bible BACK To America‼️
(CMFI-USA Miracle Center | Nov 9, 2024 | Time 3:14 min.) at
Yes, there is little doubt from newscasts and social media that the Americas, North and South, need to turn back to God, BUT how is that to be achieved? by government mandate? edict? Are our civic leaders to “make America pray again” as Trump says (2:30 min. mark)? OR are we all to freely “invite and encourage” Americans [and all people] to pray again? to encourage scripture reading as a daily endeavor? Of course, in a free and open society (as ours should be), civic leaders should be able to also invite and encourage the living of moral principles and to express their beliefs and grounding, but never to impose religious belief or practice on others; and never to discriminate based on differing religious belief.

But the question is: If Christian Nationalism is going to take hold in this administration,2 are we setting ourselves up for a regression into sectarian tyranny via civic powers? the kind that ruled for so many centuries in Europe, and even in the early Americas? Do we think such regressions are impossible in today’s enlightened world? But who ever imagined what happened to conscience and worship during COVID-19, or with today’s censorship, mandates, persecutions, prosecutions, cancelling, etc. 

In the latter half of 2023, I wrote a 5-part Déjà Vu II series about Church and State,3 so I will keep this post brief.

We are entering a dangerous time: on the Right, a rising Christian Nationalism; on the Left, an aging Fwokism4 and DEI-ism.5 Yes, the dogma of the Left was rejected by the majority on November 5th, but many of the disappointed Left are doubling down and vowing to aggressively resist the “old” ways that Trump represents to them. Meanwhile on the Right, many seem to be championing the ideology of Christian Nationalism, even if they do not know it. So what are Christians to do when they believe that Jesus Christ is the God of this land and are distressed that so many have inverted, abandoned, or never accepted His ways? — distressed that justice and judgment must come if the People do not awaken and repent? What do we do when Trump seems to say good things in one hour and not so good things in another?

Here are few guidelines:
Remember what Christ said about Caesar (civic authority):
... Render therefore unto Cæsar the things which are Cæsar's; and unto God the things that are God's (New Testament | Matthew 22:21; D&C 63:25-26).
Remember that conscience and worship are not under civic jurisdiction. As Joseph Smith wrote:
11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
Be alert to encroachments into matters of conscience or worship and protest them. Even a cursory reading of ardent Christian Nationalists should put us on high alert.
39 We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 121:39).
In our probation and agency,6 Christ is in the Godhead of Heaven and Earth, and nowhere does He approve coercion of conscience or worship. When man attempts it, it is not of Christ; it is unrighteous dominion. And if men or women claim rights of conscience and belief to justify infringing upon the rights or liberties of others, that also is unrighteous dominion, not justified, and thus subject to civil penalty.7 Infringing acts of harm or violence always fall under civil authority for justice, judgment, and punishment.
Please, let us be on alert because the adversary of all good has a proverbial forked tongue: one tactic to the right, another to the left.

1. @jrutt2675 - 4 days ago (A comment appended to the above video.)
   M= Make
2. Not that Trump is a committed Christian Nationalist; but there are CNs who are and have been maneuvering since 1776 to breach the wall of separation that history had convinced the Founders to erect.
   Book of Mormon | 1 Nephi 10:20 21
   20 Therefore remember, O man, for all thy doings thou shalt be brought into judgment.
   21 Wherefore, if ye have sought to do wickedly in the days of your probation, then ye are found unclean before the judgment–seat of God; and no unclean thing can dwell with God; wherefore, ye must be cast off forever.
Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 2:21
   21 And the days of the children of men were prolonged, according to the will of God, that they might repent while in the flesh; wherefore, their state became a state of probation, and their time was lengthened, according to the commandments which the Lord God gave unto the children of men.
Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 9:27-28
   27 But wo unto him that has the law given, yea, that has all the commandments of God, like unto us, and that transgresseth them, and that wasteth the days of his probation, for awful is his state!
   28 O that cunning plan of the evil one! O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish.
Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 33:9
   9 I also have charity for the Gentiles. But behold, for none of these can I hope except they shall be reconciled unto Christ, and enter into the narrow gate, and walk in the strait path which leads to life, and continue in the path until the end of the day of probation.
Book of Mormon | Alma 12:24
   24 And we see that death comes upon mankind, yea, the death which has been spoken of by Amulek, which is the temporal death; nevertheless there was a space granted unto man in which he might repent; therefore this life became a probationary state; a time to prepare to meet God; a time to prepare for that endless state which has been spoken of by us, which is after the resurrection of the dead.
Book of Mormon | Alma 42:3-4, 10, 13
   3 Now, we see that the man had become as God, knowing good and evil; and lest he should put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat and live forever, the Lord God placed cherubim and the flaming sword, that he should not partake of the fruit—
   4 And thus we see, that there was a time granted unto man to repent, yea, a probationary time, a time to repent and serve God. ...
   10 Therefore, as they had become carnal, sensual, and devilish, by nature, this probationary state became a state for them to prepare; it became a preparatory state. ...
   13 Therefore, according to justice, the plan of redemption could not be brought about, only on conditions of repentance of men in this probationary state, yea, this preparatory state; for except it were for these conditions, mercy could not take effect except it should destroy the work of justice. Now the work of justice could not be destroyed; if so, God would cease to be God.
Book of Mormon | Helaman 13:38
   38 But behold, your days of probation are past; ye have procrastinated the day of your salvation until it is everlastingly too late, and your destruction is made sure; yea, for ye have sought all the days of your lives for that which ye could not obtain; and ye have sought for happiness in doing iniquity, which thing is contrary to the nature of that righteousness which is in our great and Eternal Head.
Book of Mormon | Mormon 9:28
   28 Be wise in the days of your probation; strip yourselves of all uncleanness; ask not, that ye may consume it on your lusts, but ask with a firmness unshaken, that ye will yield to no temptation, but that ye will serve the true and living God.
Doctrine and Covenants | Section 29:43-45
   43 And thus did I, the Lord God, appoint unto man the days of his probation—that by his natural death he might be raised in immortality unto eternal life, even as many as would believe;
   44 And they that believe not unto eternal damnation; for they cannot be redeemed from their spiritual fall, because they repent not;
   45 For they love darkness rather than light, and their deeds are evil, and they receive their wages of whom they list to obey.
7. Doctrine and Covenants | Section 134:4-5
   4 We believe that religion is instituted of God; and that men are amenable to him, and to him only, for the exercise of it, unless their religious opinions prompt them to infringe upon the rights and liberties of others; but we do not believe that human law has a right to interfere in prescribing rules of worship to bind the consciences of men, nor dictate forms for public or private devotion; that the civil magistrate should restrain crime, but never control conscience; should punish guilt, but never suppress the freedom of the soul.
   5 We believe that all men are bound to sustain and uphold the respective governments in which they reside, while protected in their inherent and inalienable rights by the laws of such governments; and that sedition and rebellion are unbecoming every citizen thus protected, and should be punished accordingly; and that all governments have a right to enact such laws as in their own judgments are best calculated to secure the public interest; at the same time, however, holding sacred the freedom of conscience.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Dear Fellow USians:

Yes, tomorrow, November 5 is, by all appearances, a precipitous tipping point. We USians have finally got ourselves boxed in to a one-way downward spiral. By ignoring most of the exposés1 detailing the crimes and corruptions of elected officials (EOs with their puppet masters and servitors) both Right and Left, we have been maneuvered by Non-Government Global Powers (NGPs2) into a choice between: 1) tyranny of a collective (“Democrats”); or 2) tyranny of a cult-like king figure (“Republican”). Perhaps there has never been a more tragic case of “seeing, they see not, and hearing, they hear not”3 the inevitable outcome of our 2024 choice whether it be Right or Left, Left or Right.

So what is the choice?

To the RIGHT, a divo4
• who claimed he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue in New York and not lose loyal voters5;
• whose need for narcissistic supply is boundless and whose unwitting “flying monkeys” are everywhere;
• who is a master showman following the sound of his own self-serving trumpet;
• whose truth is primarily self-aggrandizing. flexible, embellished, fabricated.
To the LEFT, a diva6
• who fronts for a collective pushing for more and more [faux-]wokeness7;
• who vigorously parrots abortion “rights” with an, as yet, unspecified upper limit8;
• who blindly follows the ideology of DEI9 and Mao-like cultural revolution10;
• whose truth is primarily inverted, flexible, embellished, fabricated.
Yes, God is going to let US choose tyranny, whether to the Right or to the Left. Considering the repeating, historical pride cycles11 of empires and civilizations, the USA (especially considering its promise and destiny) is on course for a justified cleansing, BUT if there are enough people awake to this dire situation of unchecked secret combinations and corruptions, we may yet escape the utter destruction visited upon two of our predecessors in the Ancient Americas: the Jaredites and the Nephites.

Time will tell the extent of our suffering and devastation.

So dear USians, whose “trumpet” are we going to hear? Many seem to think that Trump is God’s trumpet, but what if wanna-be-king Donald’s pattern is to trump (out-sound) even God’s trumpet? Have we listened to Trump 360 or just heard the 180 we like? What about Harris who seems to have already declared her non-affiliation12? What if the ignored 180 contradicts the preferred 180? What if both sides continually engage in word spin and spiral13 pretending commitment to freedoms and protections that they are already violating? What if God’s trumpet is His words, His law? How are we doing in hearkening — in forsaking the lures, culture, heroes, and ideologies of Babylon?
16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.
17 Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.
18 ¶ Therefore hear, ye nations, and know, O congregation, what is among them.
19 Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it | (Old Testament | Jeremiah 6:16-19).
What does the sound of God's trump say?
104 And this shall be the sound of his trump, saying to all people, both in heaven and in earth, and that are under the earth—for every ear shall hear it, and every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess, while they hear the sound of the trump, saying: Fear God, and give glory to him who sitteth upon the throne, forever and ever; for the hour of his judgment is come | (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 88:104).
Again, time will tell whether we fear and glorify God or fear and glorify our chosen tyrant.

Web Site: The Duke Report |
Book Table:
Book of Mormon | Ether 8:20-25
   20 And now I, Moroni, do not write the manner of their oaths and combinations, for it hath been made known unto me that they are had among all people, and they are had among the Lamanites.
   21 And they have caused the destruction of this people of whom I am now speaking, and also the destruction of the people of Nephi.
   22 And whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combinations, to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation, behold, they shall be destroyed; for the Lord will not suffer that the blood of his saints, which shall be shed by them, shall always cry unto him from the ground for vengeance upon them and yet he avenge them not.
   23 Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins, and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you, which are built up to get power and gain—and the work, yea, even the work of destruction come upon you, yea, even the sword of the justice of the Eternal God shall fall upon you, to your overthrow and destruction if ye shall suffer these things to be.
   24 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.
   25 For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.
4. Because so much evidence has “vanished” (been censored?) in the following links, you may be able to access them by posting the relevant URL into the WayBackMachine at
5. (claiming later that he was joking)
12. Truth behind Kamala Harris’ ‘You’re at the wrong rally’ remark | One Nation Under God |