Catherine Sanderson says:
In many cases of tremendous evil, evil is carried out in small steps which makes it harder to recognize and also harder to stop. This process relies on a psychological strategy known as the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. This strategy is a two-step compliance technique in which an authority first asks someone to do a small request, but then later goes back and asks for a larger request. What research shows is that, in many cases, if people are initially asked for the larger request they will say “No.” It's pretty easy to resist But once someone has first agreed to a small request, it becomes harder and harder to resist subsequent requests as they get larger and larger in size.1She then goes on to relate a “foot-in-the-door” experiment in southern California where homeowners who agreed to place a 3-inch square sign – “Keep California Beautiful” – near their front door were approached about two weeks later to place a huge (somewhat tacky, ugly) billboard with the same words “Keep California beautiful” on their front lawn. 55% agreed as opposed to only 17% of home owners whose first and only request was to display the huge, obstructive billboard. The initial yes dramatically increased the rate of a second yes.
Sanderson also refers to the “shocking” 1960s experiments by Stanley Milgram which have been referenced several times in these Déjà Vu Times and Déjà Vu Times II blogs.2 The Stanley Milgram experiments are perhaps the most relevant experiments to understand the unfolding, escalating obedience of 2020-202?. We are. in reality. in a global recycling of escalating obedience to harm demanded by powerful labcoats – consenting to culture shocks that are anti-human.
Many cannot see any parallels because they believe we are in an unprecedented pandemic that demands we sacrifice rights and freedoms for the safety of all, BUT what if the increasingly censored counter-narrative voices are right?3 What if this is all a long-imagined, long-planned pscience4-driven experiment to achieve a Utopian tyranny? What if this is a test of trust in God, not unlike the young prophet's test described in JST 1 Kings 13?5 What if believers in the narrative have been suckered because:
... there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it—?6Sanderson's final words in Lecture Ten describe the lessons and good news that knowledge / awareness of “this natural human tendency to fall prey to authorities demanding obedience can help people resist such pressures.” The lessons:
First, question authority no matter what. It's perhaps human nature to trust someone who is in an authority position and to follow his or her orders. but this sort of mindless obedience can have serious consequences, so be willing to question authority no matter a person's position. Don't be blindly obedient, regardless of their status, their uniform, their title. [Second]. If you are asked to carry out an order by someone, ask whether you would do the same on your own initiative ... There is no excuse to say, I was just following orders. As you've learned in this class, evil can be a slippery slope. So it's also really important, whenever possible, to resist immediately. Once you start obeying it's actually very difficult, psychologically, to stop; to pull yourself out. It's very hard to stop once you've started obeying authority. And agreeing to even small requests. It's actually far easier to resist initially than to extricate yourself after you have already agreed to do some earlier acts. ... Finally, if you're in a group of people, try to find someone else who is willing to join you in resisting. It is hard to stand alone against an authority. It is far easier, psychologically, to have someone else join you in defying the authority. And even if there's a large group of people willing to obey, having a single partner with you who will join you in defying an authority gives people tremendous courage and strength to resist obedience.7
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*Artist: Boardman Robinson - 1916 AD Image source below the footnotes |
John Stuart Mill: “A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.8Note that the gift bait outlined in “Corruption by Design”9 and the Yes bait often converge to the same result — a morally-emaciated, over-the-cliff catastrophe as pictured by Boardman Robinson 105 years ago.
1. The Psychology of Good and Evil: Understanding Extraordinary Behavior from Altruism to Atrocities | Audible Audiobook – Original recording. Catherine A. Sanderson (Author, Narrator) Lecture Ten: Obedience to Authority beginning at minute 2:50.
2. E.g. | |
3. Dr. Roger Hodkinson: "This is a Pandemic of Fear" |
4. Pscience is based, not on facts, observations, method, experiment, and truth, but on agendas sustaining the pursuit and protection of power, gain, glory, and domination.
6. Doctrine and Covenants | Section 123:12
7. The Psychology of Good and Evil: Understanding Extraordinary Behavior from Altruism to Atrocities | Audible Audiobook – Original recording. Catherine A. Sanderson (Author, Narrator) Lecture Ten: Obedience to Authority beginning at minute 21:27.
8. John Stuart Mill. "The Contest in America, "Fraser’s Magazine(February 1862); later published in Dissertations and Discussions (1868), vol.1 p. 26 | (Bold emphasis added.)
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Attribution: Robinson, Boardman, 1876-1952, artist, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Source; Library of Congress
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Original url:
Author: Robinson, Boardman, 1876-1952, artist
Published in The Masses, v. 8 (October 1916), pp. 18-19
Description: Title: Europe 1916 / Boardman Robinson.
Page URL:
File URL:
Attribution: Robinson, Boardman, 1876-1952, artist, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Source; Library of Congress
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Original url:
Author: Robinson, Boardman, 1876-1952, artist
Published in The Masses, v. 8 (October 1916), pp. 18-19
Description: Title: Europe 1916 / Boardman Robinson.