Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Unwitting Targets? Unwitting, Unwilling Dupes?

I continue to be amazed at the number of friends, acquaintances, latter-day bloggers, and pod-casters who remain unaware or unconcerned about escalating massive deceptions, conspiracies, and targeting of whistle blowers and the innocent (on both the right and the left). The technology of both subtle and overt persecution is sweeping more and more surveillance-saturated humans into a a dragnet of compromise, control, distress, and / or destruction. For example:

Michael Barden – Targeted Individual When The Police Harass You, Who Do You Call?
(Time 56:36) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy3XCyBVOj8
Do we imagine our technology (both known and hidden) is devoted to “do no evil”? Do we imagine that the adversary has not conscripted every soul, tool, and technology possible to further his agenda of destruction? Do we imagine that “I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of” is sufficient protection? Do we forget that the adversary is:
● the enemy of every truth and good?
● the father of all lies?
● a false accuser?
● the tempter to selfishness, excess, greed, and conflict?
● a destroyer of the souls of men?
● an entity utterly without conscience or empathy?
What will those obsessed with pursuing and protecting power, gain, and pleasure not attempt in service to the adversary's obsession to co-opt the world? to destroy every soul that will not join the dark “team”? How long will those who obey orders without question keep obeying when questions begin to arise?

What do we imagine the massive data banks are being used for? How many of our private conversations, actions, likes, dislikes, obsessions, addictions, "sins," etc. etc. are stored just waiting for the perfect "persuasive" moment to stimulate some action in furtherance of another's nefarious agenda? When will we recognize how much of our government, corporate, charitable, entertainment, justice and law enforcement, (etc., etc.) worlds are controlled by fear, fraud, blackmail, conspiracy, extortion, favor, pay-to-play, etc.? So much is still hidden to those who will not see, despite the overwhelming evidence; exacerbated by the myopia and complicity of the MSM.

Are not those who mock "conspiracy theorists"; who deny the reality of brownstone, honeypot, and yacht ops; who pretend that MKUltra, SRA, and pedophile victims are few and far between; who believe that targeted individuals are mentally-ill paranoids—are they not (to but it baldly) dupes and accomplices, aiding and abetting the enemy of all that is good? Could these words apply?
Let not that which I have appointed [the good, the true, the beautiful] be polluted by mine enemies, by the consent of those who call themselves after my name;1
Never in the history of our world (as far as we know) has evil had such global power to enslave and control, manipulate and extort. We remain oblivious to the machinations and conspiracies of evil at our peril, at the peril of our families, and of our remaining freedoms.

How many “targets” feel they are losing their sanity? How many have chosen suicide as the only way out of confusion, distress, and persecution? How many others have chosen to participate in the surveillance and stalking of others thinking they were doing their country a service? (or for other less altruistic reasons?)

Please, let us become aware. Let us stand against organized surveillance and stalking. Let us sustain those who are targeted. Let us never be seduced or coerced into joining in surveillance, harassing, bullying programs as described in the above video (and hundreds of others). Our world is truly in a dire state of SOS. Let us organize our own, community-by-community, SOS rescues:

SEE: http://dejavu-timestwo.blogspot.com/2017/07/sos-call-to-action.html
1. Doctrine and Covenants | Section 101:97